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Tuk dimengerti
Materi, harta benda
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Tuk dimiliki
Kebahagiaan, tawa canda
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Namun semua hanya ilusi
Tiada arti
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![]() November 1992 She screamed a scream So loud it made her eyebrows steam. She screamed so loud. Her jawbone broke, Her tongue caught fire, PS: I just love about anything concerning piano. ★SUPERMAN★ ![]() ![]() Dita.Oktamaya Richard Stephanie.Priskila Dhila Si Milanisti Inez Vioni Lynn Carolina a.k.a Rollz Reena Diana Ang Sherina Frendy Lim Sleeeylee Ai Lie masithoh azzahro lutfiasari KambingLiar or Jerapah Ngupil itu indah Rinnie Bella Raditya Sarahsita Anggi Anggi Devie
September 2008
October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009
Friday, May 15, 2009
suara pintu=telor matasapi meletup2
Semalam dia sms, aku ada balas 2x. Waktu itu lagi baring2,agak capek ngantuk, habis main WII bah, main ninjabreadman, cooking mama,bener2 capek, eh lama2 lgsg aku ketiduran sambil nunggu sms dia, aku bangun lagi pas tiba2 adek aku masuk kamar, liat hape, ham 12 lewat, ada sms dari dia 4 biji. astaga. *merasa berdosa aku. Langsung balas! dia balas juga,ternyata masih belom tidur dia.
ckckck. Lalu paginya jam 06:45 (kondisi masih dialam mimpi) tiba2 dibawah bantal aku ada getar2, bangun dan mengambil hape(udah tahu itu dia) lgsg jepit hape diantara telinga dan bantal (ini udah biasa kalo aku telepon sambil baring, biar terasa enak, tangan ngga perlu pegang, jadi santai) *yeehaa. Lalu tahulah ini pertama kalinya aku ditelepon pas aku baru setengah sadar dari bangun tidur pagi.Ngga tahu yang disana dengar suara aku nahan ketawa ngga. hahha Pas nelpon aku sadar=ceng sin, tapi ngantuk tetap merada. Dia udah bangun,katanya mau masak. Anak rajin bangun awal. Suaraku bener2 ngga kuar,atau mungkin aku teleponan ma dia itu seperti ngigo sampe dia ," Hah? apa?" Lalu ngga ada suara apa gitu ribut2, dalam pikiranku( Jangan2 dia lagi nelpon sambil masak, kok seperti ada bunyi telor matasapi meletup2 gitu?) aku nanya ke dia," Suara apa itu?" Dia," Lagi buka pintu." Sedikit malu dengan apa yang aku pikirkan sebelumnya, suara pintu dibuka dengan suara telor matasapi meletup2 itu sama? haha. dasar aku, bener2 ngga sadar atau ngigo. Haha. *lols Lalu, dia bilang yah udah tidur lagi lah, soalnya dia juga mau siap2 masak. Dah itu aku lanjut tidur ayam2an 1 setengah jam.. Tapi bener2 ngga bisa tidur lagi,kalo uda ditelpon dia,seperti kena setrum. hahaha. Jadi,baring2 ajah. Semoga ujiannya bisa,jelek. :p
Thursday, May 14, 2009
100 001. Real name → Mindy 002. Nickname→ Mind 003. Star sign → sagittarius 004. Male or female → female 005. Elementary → Suster 006. Middle School → Bina Mulia 007. High School → Foreign Language Secondary School 008. Hair color → black sedikit cokelat merah 009. Long or short → Long 010. Loud or Quiet → 50:50 011. Sweats or Jeans → both 012. Phone or Camera → both 013. Health freak → yeah 014. Drink or Smoke? → no 015. Do you have a crush on someone? → yea 016. Eat or Drink → both 017. Piercings → no 018. Tattoos → never HAVE YOU EVER? 019. Been in an airplane→yes 020. Been in a relationship → yes 021. Been in a car accident →no 022. Been in a first fight → yes FIRSTS: 023. First piercing → primary school 024. First best friend → middle school 025. First award → TK (lomba menggambar) 026. First crush → middle school 028. First vacation → dari bayi kayaknya. haha LASTS: 029. Last person you talked to → mom 030. Last person you texted → kazao 031. Last person(s) you watched a movie with → Rika Vincensia 032. Last food you ate → pasta 033. Last movie you watched → Twilight 034. Last song you listened to → gan en de xin *weirdo one 035. Last thing you bought → book 036. Last person you hugged → Pinky Adora FAVES: 037. Food → mashed potato 038. Drinks → mineral water or Horlicks 039. Clothing → comfortable ones 040. Books → semuanya. 041. Music → classic 042. Flower → Daisy 043. Colors → white 044. Movies → horror, comedy 045. Positions → duduk santai 046. Subjects → Biology IN 2008...! 047. [x] kissed in the snow 048. [ ] celebrated Halloween 049. [ ] had your heart broken 050. [ ] went over the minutes on your cell phone 051. [ ] someone questioned your sexual orientation 052. [ ] came out of the closet 053. [ ] gotten pregnant 054. [ ] had an abortion 055. [x] done something you've regretted 056. [ ] broke a promise 057. [ ] hid a secret 058. [x] pretended to be happy 059. [ ] met someone who changed your life 060. [x] pretended to be sick 061. [ ] left the country 062. [x] tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it 063. [x] cried over the silliest thing 064. [x] ran a mile 065. [ ] went to the beach with your best friend(s) 066. [ ] stay single the whole year CURRENTLY: 067. Eating → no 068. Drinking → nope 069. I'm about to → play the WII 070. Listening to → suara hujan rintik2 071. Plans for today → tidur malam2. 072. Waiting for → next year YOUR FUTURE: 073. Want kids? → yep 074. Want to get married? → yep 075. Careers in mind → haven't think bout it. WHICH IS BETTER WITH GIRL/BOY? 076. Lips or eyes → eyes 077. Shorter or taller? → tall 078. Romantic or spontaneous → spontaneous 079. Nice stomach or nice arms → arms 080. Sensitive or loud → normal 081. Hook-up or relationship → relationship 082. Trouble-maker or hesitant → hesitant HAVE YOU EVER: 083. Lost glasses/contacts → yes 084. Ran away from home → no 085. Hold a gun/knife for self defense → yes 086. Killed somebody → no 087. Broken someone's heart → yes 088. Been arrested → no 089. Cried when someone died → yes DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 090. Yourself → yep 091. Miracles → yep 092. Love at first sight → no 093. Heaven → yep 094. Santa Claus → no 095. Sex on the first date → no 096. Kiss on the first date → no ANSWER TRUTHFULLY: 097. Is there one person you want to be with right now? → yes 098. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life? → yea 099. Do you believe in God → yep 100. This is the 100th and last. → kok ngga kerasa yah udah 100?ckckck
Monday, May 11, 2009
uoh? apa yang aku perbuat? ngapain baca puisi? geligeli. ahh. *baru sadar apa yang telah diperbuat.
See you on thursday. (: KOSONG
The saddest hour of anguish and of loss Semangat hidup hilang tiba-tiba.
Hari ini pulang sekolah, mama jemput dan bergosip padaku," Ming, tadi mami ada liat jacket bagus di Current Melody, ada byk warna lehh.. le pilih lah.." oh? *semangat ku berkibar2. Langsung ke sana. Dan aku liat bajunya ada warna:
-Merah tomat. -Abu2. -Abu2 gelap. -Ungu gelap. -Hijau. (aku pilih ini) Lalu aku pilih 2 warna untuk coba: Abu-abu, n Hijau (hijau mayan bagus) Setelah pake yang Abu2,rasanya bagus, tapi mama bilang pucat warnanya,aku liat kaca terus(dengan niat pengen sama2 kembar ma dia) tapi aku juga pikir,"iyah pucat". Dan akhirnya aku mutusin beli yang ijo ajah,bisa match ma warna lain. yeehaa. ![]() Jacket RMB 140 Current Melody ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
Sunday, May 3, 2009
About to offline.
Currently: wearing glasses. Facebook ku kembali seperti dahulu, meskipun berat rasanya Facebook lamaku disable, sudahlah. malas rasanya besok mau sekolah, bukan malas mau masuk sekolah, tapi aku sedang extreme melancholy. Dan semoga besok sekolah semuanya berjalan dengan okeh,sesuai dengan yang aku rencanakan. ********* XOXO
Thunder storm, or rainstorm
Hari ini hari terakhir aku online.
Sekarang lagi denger lagu ma papa, denger lagunya si Bread; Baby I'm A Want You. suaranya asli ganteng.. ahh. mantab lah. Mama lagi sibuk di kitchen. Sekarang juga udah bener2 hujan.. Sekarang lagi denger Bread : Aubrey And Aubrey was her name A not so very ordinary girl or name But who's to blame? For a love that wouldn't bloom For the hearts that never played in tune Like a lovely melody that everyone can sing Take away the words that rhyme, it doesn't mean a thing And Aubrey was her name We tripped the light and danced together to the moon But where was June? No, it never came around If it did it never made a sound Maybe I was absent or was listening too fast Catching all the words but then the meaning going past But God I miss the girl And I'd go a thousand times around the world Just to be Closer to her than to me And Aubrey was her name I never knew her but I loved her just the same I loved her name Wish that I had found the way And the reasons that would make her stay I have learned to lead a life apart from all the rest If I can't have the one I want, I'll do without the best But how I miss the girl And I'd go a million times around the world Just to say She had been mine for a day Sekarang lagi denger Everything I Own by Bread, You make me feel brand new by baby face. Dia lagi apa yah? Katany mau kumpul2, kumpul2 apa?ma teman? ah, sekarang lagi nyari video game WII, bokap suruh cari.. yah soalnya mau beli lagi. Adekku suruh beli Bully, padahal aku ngga suka adekku main bully, orangtua juga ngga boleh, tapi dia janji ngga mau praktekin, mksdnya ngga praktekin ke orang orang kecuali kakaknya, baca: aku. Duh besok sekolah,lemass *melting
Seram sekali, diatas apartment Sekarang lagi ada geledek2 tapi ngga ada ujan, mendung,angin kencang, nampaknya malam ini ada badai. yeehaa. kalo udah namanya ujan aku paling senang, lalu hidup si negara 4 musim, rasanya bisa lihat peristiwa2 alam yang sangat seram, im luvin it. Lalu tadi pagi aku ada sms ma dia, dia bangun jam 6 :11 AM WIB, dia bangun awal sekali sedangkan aku bangun jam 9 AM BT(beijing time) gyahahahah. Semalam dia malam sekali baru sms,aku udah duluan tidur,ngga ada stamina setelah online 3 jam, betulin Fb dll. Lalu hari ini aku coba rekam permainan pianoku.. ada rekam sih, kok ngga di post di blog? haha. tar tggu libur kakak kelas UAS baru post. Malam ini aku nekad mau nelpon dia. Ngga ada IP card pake hape sndri telepon lgsg ajah.
from cosmo girl.
Semua orang tahu bahwa narkotika dan zat adiktif lainnya sangat merugikan bagi siapapun yang menggunakannya. Untuk kamu yang mungkin belum tahu efek buruk dari zat-zat tersebut, baca terus info CG! berikut.
Kafein Ada di: Kopi, teh, soft drink. Efek negatif: Membuat kamu susah tidur, mudah marah, gugup, panik, gampang gelisah dan sakit kepala. Kafein juga merusak daya tahan tubuh, sistem kerja fungsi hati dan pernapasan, dan merangsang tubuh bekerja secara berlebihan. Mengkonsumsi kafein terlalu banyak bisa mengakibatkan radang lambung, menyebakan penyakit kanker dan kerusakan hati. Nikotin Ada di: Rokok, cerutu, permen karet, nikotin. Efek negatif: Kebiasaan merokok sejak remaja bisa bikin struktur DNA paru-paru, merusak fungsi hati dan ginjal, menyebabkan penyakit kanker paru-paru, bronchitis (dialami juga oleh perokok pasif), radang perut dan radang tenggorokan. Selain itu nikotin juga bisa membuat perokok menjadi gampang marah, depresi, gelisah dan stres. Psilocybin mushroom (dikenal sebagai crazy mushroom) Ada di: Semua tanaman jamur yang mengering. Efek negatif: Racun dari jamur ini bisa bikin tubuh jadi lemas, kelainan pada sistem syaraf, meningkatkan tekanan darah, juga menyebabkan kerusakan hati dan saluran pernafasan. Amphetamine dan methapetmine (dikenal dengan sebutan ice atau shabu-shabu) Ada di: Pil diet. Kadang terdapat juga pada beberapa resep dokter sebagai obat penghilang rasa sakit (biasanya dengan dosis kecil) Efek negatif: Mengurangi nafsu makan hingga berat badan kamu menurun, gampang berkeringan dingin, selalu merasa ketakutan dan sering berhalusinasi. Pemakai yang akut akan mengalami kerusakan hati, ginjal, jantung dan rusaknya pembuluh darah ke otak (hypothermia) secara permanan yang bisa mengakibatkan kematian. Pengguna zat ini akan mudah sekali terkena penyakit hepatitis dan AIDS. LSD (Lysergic Acid Diethylamide) Ada di: Kertas yang sudah dicelupkan pada acid. Biasanya pemakai LSD akan menaruh kertas di dalam mulut dan mengulumnya sampai kertas larut. LSD juga terdapat pada tablet atau kapsul yang bisa dikunyah. Efek negatif: Mengakibatkan gangguan fungsi hati, paru-paru dan pendengaran, gampang emosi, bertindak ceroboh, jantung berdebar-debar dan berkeringat dingin. Sering menggunakan LSD juga bikin gelisah secara fisik dan psikologis, mengalami gangguan visual (halusinasi), dan gampang merasa ketakutan. Yang paling serius, di bawah pengaruh LSD, pemakai akan mengalami kerusakan daya sensor otak secara permanen bahkan sampai meninggal!
Saturday, May 2, 2009
-pake baju kuning,celana abu2 -duduk bersila,as usual. -sedang ngetik; wall facebook,chat w/ benny armanto. -lihat hape ,ada sms ngga gitu. besok hari terakhir libur a-- *melting udah 3 jam aku online, berasa ngga ada energy lagi.. ughh.adek gwe masih kuat main wii,dia main farmer frenzy. yey, aku lebih suka main ghost squad, lalu main cooking mama, raving rabbids. yeehaa. Sekali lagi FB gwe udah gwe permak bagus2,meskipun poto belom masukin. besok aja deh. ihihihihihihihi. once again, tengs to benny. (:
13 Reasons your Facebook account will be disabled
13 Reasons your Facebook account will be disabled Here's what we're hearing from people all over the world: Facebook is shutting down accounts of users who are exhibiting any behavior it finds remotely suspicious. As paradoxical as it sounds, "suspicious" often means just using the site too much! Sometimes they warn people and give them the chance to change their behavior, and sometimes the account termination is sudden and permanent. Most of the time the disabled accounts will be turned back on, whether automatically after a cool-down period, or after prostrating yourself to the FB authorities. But sometimes they'll lock it up and throw away the key. Facebook remains intentionally vague about what "bad behavior" looks like, and so it's no wonder that people get confused, angry or despondent when they get the ACCOUNT DISABLED message. To help people avoid having their accounts disabled, I've listed the most common reasons why people report having their accounts abruptly turned off. Keep in mind, that this list is almost surely incomplete, and until Facebook changes their policy to embrace more transparency and two-way communication we'll have to live with a bit of uncertainty when using Facebook. Here are the things that (supposedly) will get you kicked off Facebook: 1. You didn't use your real name Don't try to use a nickname (or initials)in lieu of the name on your birth certificate, because Facebook will find you and spit you out. 2. You joined too many groups Remember that the maximum limit is 200 groups per user. More than that just looks desperate, don't you think? 3. You posted too many messages on a wall or in a group Even Guy Kawasaki had his account disabled--in his case for "excessive evangelism." 4. You posted in too many groups, too many user's walls You may be axed for being too verbose in too many places. That's what spammers do, silly. On Facebook it is better--or at least safer--to be seen than heard. 5. You friended too many people Not so long ago this was a prime cause of disabled accounts, but Facebook has instituted a maximum of 5000 friends that should protect you from yourself. 6. Your school/organization affiliation is doubtful The overlords are sometimes not very trusting, and they may accuse you of not graduating from Harvard (or Plum Senior High School). The impertinence! Better have your diploma ready. 7. You're poking too many people We've heard this from multiple sources, and it's easy enough to avoid. Save the pokes for people you *really* like, as mum always said. But beware the odd FB app that pokes on your behalf. 8. For advertising your app on wall posts The line between spam and self-promotion is a thin one, but let it be known that pimping your shiny new Facebook app is definitely considered SPAM. 9. Using duplicate text in multiple messages Some people paste a generic welcome message into friend requests to save time. DON'T DO THIS! It makes you look like a spammer. (Ironically, pro spammers are probably randomizing their messages to avoid this trap) 10. You are a cow, dog, or library Being a real person is not enough, you must be a homo sapien. Accounts have been deleted for cows, dogs and libraries. 11. You are under eighteen years old According to one report a user's account was suspended when they suspected her of being under 18. She was required to enter a work email address to prove her maturity, at which point her account was reinstated. [note: other users have pointed out that being under 18 is fine if you're part of a High School group, though underage home schoolers have been told to bugger off] 12. You wrote offensive content Reports of "sudden death" on accounts have been reported by users who were told they had posted offensive content, but were not provided details of the offense. 13. You scraped information off Facebook They have a zero tolerance policy for page scraping (i.e. pulling content off their web pages via a script). Unfortunately, they don't have a reliable way of proving it's you who's doing the scraping (IP matching is probably as good as they can get), so you may find this a difficult charge to defend yourself against. Finally, you may be disabled for no clear reason at all. One Australian member reported this staggering experience: "I was blocked for a little while because I was 'misusing certain features of the site' Naturally I closely examined their conditions of use etc for some insight as to what I must have done wrong. I couldn't for the life of me find anything... "Upon request for clarification I was told that they were not at liberty to divulge which features or of course any thresholds of use. Then they warned me not to do it again or I would be banned permanently without recourse to reinstatement." You have been warned. Remember that the hand of justice is swift and merciless. ![]() PS: Thx for Benny Armanto, setelah bersusah payah mencari alasan mengapa FB ku disable. :) Tapi, aku dan Benny berpendapat bahwa, sangat tidak masuk akal sekali FB bisa begitu mudah mendisable kan acc orang, aku ajah main Fb ngga sering2,lalu ngga sering amat wall ma orang. kalo umur dibawah 18 tahun sih iyah, tapi mengapa begitu?teman2 aku ajah ngga?
Facebook ku jadi bego sekali yah? Disabled jadinya.. Account DisabledYour account has been disabled. If you have any questions or concerns, you can visit our FAQ page here. Lalu aku bikin FB baru lagi.. capek add orang jadinya..
Friday, May 1, 2009
Tadi iseng2 buka FS, udah lama ngga buka.
Juga buka FSnya dia, eh eh, backgroundnya udha ngga ada lagi, aku ganti cari lagi deh. Cari gambar The simpsons. Suka banget ma pilem itu,while spongebob udah ngga ada lagi. Cihuiiy.. Gile asli bgt, FS udah bener2 kayak kuburan, FB baru hidup. Jaman skrg,ada yang bagus ke bagus semua. Yang jelek ditinggalin. Padahal aku udah 5 tahun main FS. yah say goodbye sajah. tar jarang2 ajah bukanya. :) **** Lalu sekarang sibuk print piano sheetnya. Bener2 capek cari2 lagu itu. ahhh. Aku cari seluruh lagu SECRET pelem jay itu loh. ahh. suka lagunya duank,pelemnya yah fifty fifty. Udah lengkap dah. hihihihi. Tinggal rekam jak. yee haa.malam ini semangat euy! besok tggal post di blogger ajah. Youtube di RRC ngga bisa buka, diblokir kali, westernisme katanya.. ahh geli bgt. **** Malam ini aku mau main game ma adekku,main WII Rayman Raving Rabbids, n Wario Ware Smooth Moves. Udah hampir mau tamat. Oh tadi siang makan spaghetty sama chips. oh enaknya.. home made paling enak. ****
WINTER kemaren
Rindu winter kemaren, aku ngga suka spring, byk kumbang.ihh seram.
Rindu winter yang dingin, yang penting ngga panas, kalo dingin sekali yah pake baju byk2,daripada panas, sampe telanjang juga ngga ngaruh.. *ugh Ini aku photo pas December 2008, ngga sempat online, sempat photo dan ngga sempat post di blog. Tadi barusan ajah buka2 folder, eh ngga tahunya byk poto yang belom aku post n bener2 byk cerita yang aku mau ceritakan. Berhubung sekarang yang view blogku ajah hanya 2 orang. *winter 2007 at West lake Tiba2 jadi malas mau ngepost blog. *ini ngga mungkin Meskipun hanya turun 3 hari salju duank,tapi aku rasa udah cukup enak. Pertama kali ketemu salju, tahun 2007 January, rasanya biasa ajah, seperti main mainin es nona. Bener,rasanya biasa ajah, meskipun sempat excited, tapi lama2 juga membosankan. Yang paling seru pas didanau, danaunya udah beku sekali, lalu coba jalan2 diatas danau beku itu, tapi ngga berani jauh2,pinggir2 ajah, soalnya ada yang retak2 gitu. lagipula takut2.
Hari ini ngga ada kerjaan.Tadi pagi les piano, 40menit, gurunya ngajar lagu ujian, yang lagunya amat sangat ngga aku kenal,temponya 135 itu,lalu dengan nada bagus juga sih, tapi agak sedikit horror. yah usaha usaha.
Sekarang udah online 2 jam, nyari piano sheet utk download dan main. Aku ketemu byk lagu juga. Lalu rencana hari ini mau record lagu,tapi tggu deh. currently: -pake baju piyama -pake kacamata -kaki sedang duduk bersila dikursi |